Friday, June 10, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

"I'm here to floor your floor." a very drunk Toni in a meeting with a client according to Bill

Michael was telling me about this condo in Hawaii that he's going to with the rest of the family and everything sounded just a little too perfect. I think he just doesn't want to tell me were he's really going next week.

Roger wanted to know what happened to CSF and I told him that Mary eliminated it because it was interfering with her prostitution ring.

The Monkees new album for their 50th Anniversary made #6 on the Billboard Top Albums chart.

Bill claims that he's coming off strike and that he will see us on Monday. Needless to say we don't want to see him without his precious baby girl.

I think Roger's mixing his drugs again because I told him "very sweet" to this picture this morning and he thought I meant him. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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