Tuesday, June 14, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Leave it to Roger to want a diet coke to be an ice pack for his potato salad. He tried to blame it all on Dot and Typhinee for stressing him out so much that he didn't remember to pull it out of the freezer before it exploded. Roger owes me now......

 Bill shamed Roger into buying me chocolate cake today. 

Toni got yelled at by Nikki last night for telling his neighbor weird things about melons (the lady probably thought he was talking about her melons). 

Besides the Diet Coke fiasco Roger should be having a good day, "Curb Your Enthusiasm" is returning to HBO.
I was upset with Riley today, she kept visiting Bill's office before mine but then I realized that she's only scavenging for food and apparently I just don't leave as many crumbs as Bill does.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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