Friday, April 22, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Mary needs to bring Riley into work soon. I need a Riley fix. I had a horrible dream the other night that Mary let Riley loose around some giant killer crab.

Roger says that Dot just stares at him now after reading "The Chatter". He hasn't seen anything yet, wait till next week after Roxanne's Baby Shower. I've been saving my Roger Diary for just the perfect occasion. I'm not sure if we'll be able to get through all eighty nine chapters but I'll sure try.

Roger actually gave Andrew great advice today. He told him not to park in the parking lots of strip clubs or go through naked chicks espresso with the company van. Then he proceeded with all of his stories of getting caught. He of course blames GB, his previous employer for not training him a little better.

Ryan wants to know why Roger likes the series "The Man in the High Castle" we haven't seen any sex scenes or naked women yet but of course we're not finished with the series either.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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