Wednesday, April 20, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

 Bill and Michael are the only office employees who park at work who don't have white cars. 

"You hate Matthew McConaughey?" Toni to Bill   He said he really likes Pauly Shore and Pee Wee Herman though.

"Get your dirty mitts off of that." Bill to Toni

Somebody drew male genitalia on something and everybody assumed it was Toni. Toni for some reason didn't understand why we all thought it was him. Maybe this next quote will explain why.

"It's going to be a dick fest but it doesn't sound as good as dickopolis." Toni

Apparently Roger's not willing to come to the BBQ if he can't have A&W Diet Root beer.....He sure is getting ornery with age.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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