Tuesday, April 5, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Tim was super excited this morning to find more Easter eggs that Roxanne left for him around his office. He even came in my office to steal mine if I had any.

Roger's GPS took him to a wrong road and then he asked a guy if he knew where this address was and the guy informed Roger that he was driving like he was in the Daytona 500. He also asked Roger if his GPS told him to jump off a bridge would he follow it.

A Disneyland employee was found dead inside the Haunted Mansion in Paris, kind of creepy.

Typhinee and her stories, I think she's grown too accustomed of Roger, she goes through this horrible Youtube video story just to tell me that the person had the same last name as her customer. 

Toni, the custom van craze is back, maybe you should get one of these pervy rides. It will be great for the six kids that you want to adopt the first year you're married.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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