Thursday, October 15, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

It's Joe's Birthday and Steve sent him this.
"I'm a team player unlike Tim." Michael because he took over some if Toni's sh*t

"I am high maintenance just ask Tim." Mary

Tim says morning sickness lasts for 37 years....I think he's trying to depress Bill.

Bill thinks Tim had a real legitimate problem on his computer today. I only had to go back to his desk 10 times today for other issues.

"I got to get ugly so I can make money." Mary

Roger seems to be turning over a new leaf with goats and horses, well until they decide to bite him.

Ryan has his five year anniversary party tonight with his employer and I'm going just to see how much free wine I can drink. So I'll probably be back to work sometime mid next week.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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