Friday, October 2, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Just because Bill peed on a stick and it turned colors he thinks Roxanne's pregnant. These U'nnells sure have weird traditions.

Bill, these kind of sticks are supposed to be used in a fireplace not your bathroom....

"I don't really care about the baby just the cake." Bill about his Baby's Sex Reveal Party

According to Steve he had to drive the female anatomy part van...I'm taking bets on how long Bill's nephew is going to make it here before his parents drag his a$$ back home.

After Crystal and her kid came in today Bill said he changed his mind on the baby.

We're pretty sure Loopy Larry is moving out, there was a U-Haul truck outside today.  Man, now who are we going to spy on?

Cody says Loppy Larry threw out his mattress.... it's out next to the dumpster if anybody wants it. I bet it has more stories

*not to be construed as Gossip

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