Wednesday, February 19, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

"I don't do change very well." Tim

"I don't know what you guys are laughing at but it's probably not good." Mr. U'nnells

Toni's the man today, even though his mom scolded him last night for a dirty joke that she wasn't supposed to see.

Bill asked what the name of the kid who Mary sexually harassed in the bathroom was, good times.

Tim sucks, he's going to be gone the rest of the week.

Roger was talking about how he likes Dave's Killer Breads but he hasn't tried Dave's Killer Bread Sin Dawg yet which makes him very uncool.

"My dick's length in rubber base." Toni    I hope he wasn't talking about a roll of base.

Tim sure can be a sneaky little devil.

Toni was asking everyone Olympic's questions today so I thought these awkward pictures of Olympic Skaters was fitting.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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