Thursday, February 13, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

 I have a feeling that Bill saved all of the awesome pictures that Riley made of him and Roxanne and is going to give it to her tomorrow for Valentines Day.

Every time that I try to email something to my self from my Yahoo email it asks me if I want to include Roger in this email.What did he do to my email account?

Toni got in trouble from Bill for advancing himself straight to Yoda today on his work email picture but then Toni asked Bill to fire Jessica because her favorite character is Jar Jar Binks.

Toni's icork honey is limping along with crutches today and Mary thinks we should buy her some gummy bears. We should probably get her both kinds: sugarless and cinnamon.

"It's not my proudest moment." Toni

"I'm trying to be nice and suck up to you at the same time." Roger to Mary

Mary now thinks I'm a perve because I remembered something gross and disgusting that she explained to us.

"Two hundred to Three hundred thousand is the going rate for dreams these days." Mr. U'nnells

*not to be construed as Gossip

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