Tuesday, February 4, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

I have a feeling that I may get voted off the party planning committee.

Apparently the Super Bowl was too exciting for Phillip Seymour Hoffman who died on Sunday.

Jason got a new car and Matt wants to take bets on how long he'll have it before it gets repo'd.

Ryan and I watched "The Internship" last night and really enjoyed it. So I had to say "Suck it Bill" afterwards because he told me he wouldn't watch it because he thought it was dumb.

"You better run and hide like a b*tch." Tim to Bill

"I'm always thinking of other people." Bill

Ryan and I finished season 4 of "Downton Abbey" and now we don't know what to do...

"Bill is always a good time." Howard

Bill told us he f*cked us and he did and everyone would have yelled at him today over their email conundrum except for the fact that we were celebrating his birthday today.

I found this and thought it did a great job of explaining the game.  
*not to be construed as Gossip

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