Wednesday, February 12, 2014


The Daily Chatter*

I have a feeling that Roger's going to get the idea to call the police before the end of today and have me frisked down to search for drugs and tell them that I drove to work today because "he thinks he knows" that I don't have a license.

My husbands going to laugh at me when I tell him that Jessica and I have some of the same phobias for driving in downtown Seattle.

"He's a lying bastard." Toni about Tim

According to Bill, horny and affectionate are the same thing.

Mary is now on Henry suicide alert. She thought he jumped out of his bowl again and Toni was about to take apart the filter and then they found him under a shell at the bottom and he was just trying to take a nap.

This week has been hard on old people that only Roger will remember: Shirley Temple died at 85 and Sid Caesar at 91.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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