Monday, April 1, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

"What I have to say is rarely appropriate." Typh

Toni was looking for a bearded man in Bill's office today. I didn't realize that we could ask Bill for certain types of men to appear, this should be a fun game in the future. 

Steve had a Kellen encounter today.

Bryan called Typhinee the Urban Dictionary of the Floor Covering World so I guess I need to have her cards changed to reflect her new title.

Mary and Bill are the best bosses ever. Mary got half of the company drunk on Friday night and Bill paid for half of it.

According to Typh's daughter everything that we thought was funny on Friday night was dumb by her standards.

Apparently I need to bring blue tape with me the next time that I go to the bar so that Heather will remember my boundary issues and maybe I won't be sexually assaulted by her again.

The end of our day sucked, most of the office saw a dog get hit on 84th trying to cross the street.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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