Tuesday, April 16, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

I asked Bill if I could go home after he told me not to ever think of how many Saturdays you have left in your life. He told me that I should just go straight to therapy instead.

"My mind is already twisted on a good conversation." Bill

"Don't even get her started." Typhinee about me not liking something. I'm beginning to think I'm the most temperamental person around here.

"You should cancel your membership to that club." Bill to Toni

Heather's youngest son thinks she's mean because she won't clean poo off of a lego that he swallowed.

Apparently I can't be a sales person according to Bill because I'm not politically correct. Seriously what about Roger then?

Geez, Ashley called me out on my dilated pupils for the first time today. Bill's called me out for years about this issue.

At least I wasn't the one who got our IP address downgraded and blacklisted for sending porn, that apparently was Ashley.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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