Thursday, April 18, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Good news ladies and Toni, Michael is single for the next ten days while his wife is in Florida.

Tim would like us to shoot him now because his boat still has leaks.

Ashley looked like she had been sleeping in her office but she claims that she had been doing bids...

We're pretty sure that Ashley has an ant farm in her office but then Bill admitted to putting them there.

"You have red hair and you drive a pumpkin." Tim about why Heather is a serial killer

Can somebody please tell the new guy that my name is not Rachael. You have no idea how many people have called me Rachael over the years.

Bill warned me to never show up single because his wife would gladly hook me up with someone.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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