Wednesday, April 17, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

We all want to know if Tim has any good news about his boat since he was supposed to take it out on the water again. Bill has a feeling that Tim's going to say shoot me now.

Toni hopes that his organs are valuable because before he meets with a financial adviser he would like to sell them.

"You're so pushy." Bill to me because I reminded him to do his freaking job

Toni says that PornHubs twitter account is worth following but then he also recommended "Angela's Ashes" to watch so I'm pretty sure he's not giving me good advice today. I'm really not sure what I did to him but I guess he and Michael did buy me flowers so I can't be too mad at him. 

"This is me being F*#$ing flexible." Bill as he's yelling this to me

"I'll bust his balls after you do." Toni to me  I'm so glad to hear that I'm the one who should do that around here.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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