Friday, April 5, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Typhinee walked into the office and thought that the world stopped turning, she saw my car in the parking lot (because my husband went out of town for the weekend) and then she noticed that the Roomba stopped working in the middle of the entry.

I had to explain to Toni, Bill and Steve that I do actually have a drivers license and that the rumors that Roger spread about me having fifteen DUI's isn't quite true, it's twenty.

This is the best day of my life, Heather says that she's not talking to me today and I got to hang with Riley.

"Shes's the smart one and I'm the pretty one." Bill about Mary and himself

Heather broke her rule today to tell me that somebody's pants were falling off.

"What do you do to these people? Heather really thought it was you messing with her printer." Bill to me

I think Bryan was a little creeped out when I told him that I was going to sit in his lap if he didn't move while he was talking to Jason in front of the water cooler.

Toni called Bill to tell him that he needs to pull the camera footage from today of something amazing that he did in the warehouse because nobody was there to witness it.

Sarah's off to Ireland tomorrow, she better bring us back some good whiskey.

The Whatever Board of the Day

*not to be construed as Gossip

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