Monday, October 30, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Roger announced yesterday that he was going to have a new grandson soon but turns out it was a granddaughter. He's been lying this whole time, he wanted to be just like me with two grandsons.

Tim thinks he's going to be gone most of February. I'm not sure why he's concerned he was gone most of September and October too.

I'm beginning to think that Sarah's the devil, she tried sweet talking her boy toy into doing something for her.

Bill thinks somebody screwed up his sandbox again. I think he has a cat living in his office.

"House of Cards" is to end now that Kevin Spacey came out as gay, it has nothing to do with the fact that he allegedly raped some kid thirty years ago.

It's a good thing that Roger wasn't at the same Halloween party that Ashley was at the other night because her boyfriend dressed up as "It" and I'm not sure if Roger would have wanted to do clown porn with him or just run and hide.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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