Wednesday, October 25, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

All I have to say is that if I ever have a serious life issue I hope Michael is there, he was a freaking hero yesterday. By the way Michael would like us to do a documentary about him. He said something about a video showing his clients how he goes above and beyond the call of duty.

Bill wanted to know who dug around in his sand box while he was gone today, what a paranoid man. I was happy to throw Steve's name out there but I have no idea who it was.

Tim has conned Ashley into going to the PSHEA meeting.

Toni has a new financial advisor and it's really practical that the guy works in our building.

The Roomba wanted to spy on Typhinee today, it hid under her desk.

Seriously who sits around high and comes up with new food for Taco Bell, they now have a Kit Kat Chocoladilla. Sorry Roxanne this probably only sounds good to you right now.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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