Friday, September 30, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

I had a dream about Roger last night. Ryan and I were following him in our car to a restaurant and he was going down one ways streets the wrong way and turning into right turn only lanes from the opposite direction, the man cannot drive. I'm not sure why Dot wasn't yelling at him. When we got to the restaurant, Ryan and Roger decided to share their entree and eat it off the same plate, it was very gay. I told Roger about my dream and he thought I could use some more time in therapy.

Bill beat me to the office this morning, bad night with the Mrs. apparently.

Mary just creeps in anytime she sees an opportunity to take baby Katherine away from me.

Toni came in complaining that his bum was hurting this morning. That's what happens when this is your license plate and apparently the gin and tonics don't help either, I think he uses that as his forget me now drink.

Steve thinks Toni was talking out of his a$$ today and I reminded him that was just another reason it was sore.

Bill for some reason thinks he remembers when I was sweet and innocent.

Toni told Bill that he's full of crap.

"Yesterday was your birthday but today you can go f*c@ yourself." Steve to Roger about doing him a favor

Roger thought Tim's church retreat excuse with his mother was probably some sort of orgy.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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