Wednesday, September 14, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

According to Roxanne lesbians don't have boobs. I'm curious how she knows this but I guess she did write a book all about it.

I missed all of the good gossip while I was on vacation. Tim's youngest daughter is getting married (to what Tim calls a pedophile) and that's why Kellen has to move out.

Steve apparently mocked Toni yesterday for Toni asking him if he was going to be his daughters camp counselor and Steve made a comment that he wasn't going to be sleeping with twelve young girls.  Toni thinks it's still horrible that he's going to be sleeping with twelve young boys though.

Roger and I found out that we have something in common today besides our matching tattoos.

 Michael got me good today, he was able to keep a straight face while telling me that Toni asked a customer where she bought her (pink) shirt.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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