Tuesday, September 20, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

"Basically they're my bitches." Steve about his daughters and all of the work that they do for him.

Toni could apparently see the disappointment in his fathers face over the phone when he told him something really stupid recently. Thanks for the hilarious story Toni, we all got a great laugh this morning over your learning curve.

Roger was at the office at the butt crack of dawn this morning and his excuse was that his wife kicked him out. Interestingly because Brad and Angelina just filed for divorce. Is Dot with Brad Pitt now? She sure gets around.

Toni got his mother to admit to him that she and her husband are terrible parents.

I yelled at Toni for stereotyping today. I told him that Roger and I would never do that.

I told Bill this morning that I thought Kevin James' new comedy "Kevin Can Wait" had some pretty funny lines in it but then I read a review that it was "terrible and unimaginative." Well at any rate I liked the terribleness.

Tim told me that he was going to dig up some dirt on Roger but then he never got back to me. Tim, quit saving all the good stuff for yourself. Otherwise I'm going to have to tell everyone about your Saturday night side job and which end of Broadway Street to find you at.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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