Tuesday, September 6, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Bill was telling me this morning that Typhinee preferred Roger's pickle to Tim's pickle last week.

Roger's ex-wife's partner is becoming a man. I wonder if she's going to look like Roger after her surgery?

Roxanne's parents dog does not like Toni. She hid behind me today because she didn't want to see him.

I think Tim wanted to take the dog to lunch with them today.

Tim thought I was high maintenance today because I was wearing purple.

Bill compared me with Tim and Michael today....needless to say he ended up with a black eye. 

For apparently not letting his dog ride in the van, Andrew had a surprising amount of chewed on toys and short hairs all over the van.

Despite Michael's grim outlook on an Alaska cruise we had a wonderful time.We had fairly nice weather except for in Ketchikan. Our days at sea were pleasant with mostly sunshine and we sat outside and even claimed an outdoor table at the back of the ship that everyone knew was ours. In Ketchikan we went hiking in the rainforest (maybe that's why it rained) and in Juneau we saw Mendenhall Glacier and hiked a short distance at Mt Roberts after the tram took us up the mountain.We went part of the way through Tracy Arm Fjord but then the ship had to turn back because of all of the icebergs. Here's some pictures from the first few days.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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