Wednesday, September 7, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Toni was telling Bill and me about a male full frontal scene that he just watched and liked....

Matt, this one is for you.

Michael checked me for frostbite today.

I had a horrible dream about Bill on vacation. In my dream Bill told me that Roxanne was coming in with Katherine but that she didn't want to see him since he slept with the nanny. I'm very concerned right now because the nanny is Bill's mother. I'm pretty sure Roxanne should just leave him right now before my dreams get even weirder.

Thanks to Steve nobody else got sandwiches from Jimmy Johns today.

Michael brought in a bunch of grapes and plums. I'm pretty sure we're going to start making wine tomorrow.

According to Shaw's website they think that Astroturf belongs in the bedroom. How kinky would that be?

Toni trusted me to look through pictures on an old camera of his. He did it only because Bill dared him to. Luckily for me there weren't any dick pics.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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