Tuesday, September 13, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Toni's dad has obviously been talking to Mary. He told his daughter, "I hope you fall and get pregnant" on one of her acrobatic posts with her husband.

We discovered yesterday that Mary really likes to justify her slanderous talk about horrible looking brides.

Bill's dad visited the office today and Bill's arm didn't go numb like he told us it would.

I'm pretty sure Roger is pulling a Ferris Bueller.

Apparently Steve wants us to pay him to go to camp with his daughter. If he gets to do that I get to go to gay camp with Toni which basically is hanging out at the mall everyday with some wild scavenger hunts to find the pinkest male shirts and the most uncomfortable men's shoes. Toni invited me last year but I was too busy to go.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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