Tuesday, March 1, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Roger thinks he has a reputation to maintain and he was very upset that I implied in the Chatter yesterday that he was unsanitary.

Bill's afraid of Ninja's coming through the warehouse door. It sounds like his dad really screwed him up as a child.

Tim left with his two wives today.

Toni thinks that Labor Ready sent Napoleon Dynamite today.

Toni was flipping out in Bill's office today over a bug in the vent. Mary thought that maybe Bill had a killer whale in his office.

Roxanne finally found a way to not look at or hear Bill. I personally think that she looks a little like Joey on Thanksgiving...

George Kennedy just died this week, he was 91. I just watched "Eiger Sanction" with him in it and he was in "Cool Hand Luke".

*not to be construed as Gossip

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