Monday, March 21, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Finally Ryan and I got to enjoy a food show yesterday without seeing Roger.

Typhinee finally got her Tahoe back and she's so happy. She keeps talking to it every time she sees it today.

Bill's recommendation for Cody is to dump his new girlfriend since she doesn't like Chinese Food.

Mary thinks her ipad is giving her carpel tunnel.

Here's our lovely view of the ocean from breakfast on Wednesday morning. Afterwards I went snorkeling since Ryan got a cold, that he later gave to me, so he had to stay on the lava beach while I swam with the turtles. For lunch we visited a restaurant that had guava jelly containers on their railings for the gecko's to eat and then we indulged ourselves at a Kona coffee farm.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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