Thursday, December 26, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Roger thinks he's Tom Douglas now because he used his roast rub on their prime rib dinner. If you want to be Tom Douglas this is apparently all you need according to Roger.

Jessica and Tim are playing hookie today and Mary's just hung over according to her favorite future son in law.

"Yah, that's what they slut out to everyone." Toni

Toni's the man today he fixed the forklift.

Roger wanted to know if my step mom was hot. He's welcome to go to the nursing home that she's at and find out for himself.

Roger and Toni were making new bets on Henry. Toni thinks Henry's going to live forever now. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I said Mary was hung over but maybe I'm wrong.
