Tuesday, December 17, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

Tim has the funniest story about randomly petting a stranger with a fur coat and then he couldn't get his foot out of his mouth to save his life. I think it's why he tries to ask permission to pet everyone wearing fur now.

Roger's going to be terribly disappointed but I think the Chinese Buffet in Auburn went out of business and recently a different Chinese buffet has taken over the old BB Magraws space.

Apparently Charlie Sheen hooked up with another ex-porn star and says he's in love again.

Toni said if he wins the lottery that he's going to take us all to Monaco.

Toni thinks that Mike missed him today and came back just to see him.

Roger called me sister April today, apparently he thinks I'm a nun.

I'm mad, Roger and Dot are going to California without me and they have reservations to eat at the French Laundry. 

"I don't have to have candy to have a good time." Randy

Typhinee doesn't want anymore of our sh*t until Thursday.

Toni sent us a link for a review on some sugarless Gummy Bears that also work as a colon cleanse. This product had some of the funniest reviews.


Now back to me and my trip. Our next stop was St. Maarten which was very interesting because it had a French and a Dutch border and each side was governed by those governments. The French weren't very business friendly so it sounded like the Dutch side was way easier to live on. We took an all day tour: we saw a very ugly naked woman on a beach because we walked too far and found the nude side of the beach, we found an awesome bakery, saw a surfer instructor guy who looked just like Matt, found Toni's Christmas present at a shop on the beach, went to Maho beach and watched people clinging to a fence (which is also on the edge of a fairly busy roadway) while trying to ride the jet stream of the departing airplanes and we also found a yacht with a helicopter that Toni can rent when he wins the lottery to take us somewhere exotic.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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