Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The Daily Chatter*

I have a feeling that I won't be winning the Ugly Sweater contest at Jessica's party. Ryan and I went to two thrift stores last night and couldn't find anything revoltingly hideous. I hope Jessica has a trophy as awesome as this one to give away.

I'm really disappointed that Bill and Roxanne aren't going to Jessica's party. Especially after seeing how "crafty" Bill's Christmas tree was.

Rick just doesn't feel the love from us anymore. That maybe partly because I called him a perve this morning.

Toni was happy because Dot called him a Dream Boy.

"Tyler is a freaking stud." Toni

Was it bad that I remembered that I needed to call Jared when I saw this dude on "Home Alone" last night?

I was so inspired last night from all of the reviews that I decided to buy sugarless gummy bears for everyone on my Christmas list.

"I'm going to write Roger down as a transgender male."  Mary

Mary sure seems to take offense when I throw her under the bus, I don't get it. She needs to lighten up.

Toni wants us as a company to go caroling while geocaching.

*not to be construed as gossip

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