Thursday, June 1, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday to me!

Tim and I decided that Toni must have decorated my office because it was all pink. We were wrong it was Mary and Roger wants credit too because he helped move the ladder.

Roger did save the day though he brought in Claim Jumper Chocolate Cake.

Luckily Kellen's reminder for my birthday disappeared from his phone. He claims that he was going to fill my office with balloons and then the rest of you would have been jealous and wondering what I did to deserve that.

Steve is off to Florida today to visit family with his dad. I hope his dad is ready to baby a grown drunk man who can't stand to fly.

The last of the falls that we saw on our trip were Panther Fall minus the panthers that should have there.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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