Friday, June 23, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Bill's pretty sure that Amazon is going to regret upping the price on their cloud storage. He thinks they are going to walk through the door anytime now to apologize and get his business back.

Tim just wasted more money on his motorcycle.

Tim apparently doesn't want a third wife, I'm sorry ladies for the disappointing news.

I was glad to see that Joseph took the dumb clip out of his hair. 

Bill thinks someone is trying to poison him with a fruit basket.

Kellen apparently stopped at a yard sale today and bought a couch that he doesn't want. He's been asking everyone if they need a couch and apparently he's asked Typhinee three times now. It's too bad that Sarah wasn't here or he probably would have asked her five times. 

Luke and his wife had their sweet baby girl today. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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