Wednesday, June 21, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

You can apparently say Hello to Toni eight times like you can't hear him before he hangs up the phone.

Camelot, Royalty and PacifiCrest closed their doors yesterday.

Bill and Toni's fact of the day, Bill's pretty sure that you can drink horse semen but at one time it was illegal to drink absinthe.

"They don't give a sh*t about your rules." Bill to Tim  Tim wants a doctor that he doesn't have to go to that will prescribe him medication.

Roger apparently didn't put his social security number on his retirement paperwork which is making me think that he really doesn't have one. I always thought it was odd that his number is 123-45-6789 but then I was jealous because his number was always easy to remember.

I'm pretty sure that someday soon Toni and his friends will be banned from stepping foot into Cream Dream, especially when they show up in shirts that they made themselves.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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