Friday, June 9, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

"He's a very odd kid." Roger about Toni

I think Mary's been hitting on the young guys again. Joseph seems to have a cough and Mary seemed to be kind of sick before she left and you know her past and how she likes to peak in the bathroom at all of the young guys that we hire.

Toni has promised me that he will only remember me for the age that I was when he first met me. So in 150 years when I die, he claims that he will speak at my funeral and tell everyone that he is in shock that I died so young at the age of 33.

Speaking of people dying young, Glenne Headly who I only knew as the red head on "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" died at the age of 63. She at one time was married to John Malkovich.

 *not to be construed as Gossip

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