Tuesday, June 6, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday Tim!

Tim called Toni a lying b$%tch first thing this morning apparently that was his birthday gift to himself.

Tim and Toni should be relieved to hear that our AC Unit isn't working again. 

Apparently all of us white people look a like. Joseph thought I was joking when I said it was Tim's birthday, he thought Tim just had a birthday and I had to point out it was Michael.

Toni asked Bill if he could wear a male romper to work. Bill told him he could only wear it on male romper day. Luckily for us there isn't a day for that yet....
Next Toni's going to ask about lace shorts because they'll be a hot item too.

Toni was telling Bill that his fridge broke. Bill mentioned that if anyone goes to Toni's house that Toni's going to blame them for the fridge breaking and insist that they pay for it just like Joey did on "Friends".

Typhinee may need to take a leave of absence and get some good meds because she had a traumatic experience today. Somebody named Kellen ate her left overs that were in the fridge and just like Ross she found out that he didn't even eat it all.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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