Friday, February 24, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

"I'm a man seeking a man." Bill    Good grief, what is in the water around here....

I'm upset with Bill, he stole Katherine right out of my arms today and apparently he did the exact same thing to Mary. Then he didn't allow Roxanne to come in after lunch. He owes me big time...

Poor Toni thought I was insulting his floor laying skills but I was trying to tell him that he can't say "Huge" the way Steve impersonates Trump.

For those of you who will wonder where the heck I am on Monday morning because you forgot that I am on vacation.  I will be in the Caribbean sea on board the Adventure of the Seas, probably eating all day long in the beautiful sunshine, heading towards Bonaire to hopefully see the flamingos. 

*not to be construed as Gossip

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