Friday, February 3, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Happy Birthday Bill! I tried telling Tim it was Tim day with all of the cake but he didn't believe me. He wasn't accepting that it was Tim day without an ice cream cake.

Mary could sense that there was a baby in the office today. Of course she came in and stole Katherine away from Typhinee and me.

Sarah walked into the middle of a Nathaniel conversation today and was quite confused.

I'm pretty sure Katherine has heard some very untrue rumors about me because all she wanted to do was slap me in the face. Roxanne kept insisting that she wanted my scarf but I know better.

Mary tried exporting some of her job to one of Tim's jobs, that sneaky b!#ch.

"What's with all of these half days? That's only twelve hours and there's twenty four in a day." Bill to Steve

I think it's time for those random drug tests, Toni was telling me how he gets snapchats from a Rooster.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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