Thursday, February 2, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Apparently we're going to have six more weeks of winter since the groundhog saw it's shadow today. Luckily I'm down to three weeks before I see the Caribbean again.

F*#$%ng Roger and Dot get to go to Palm Springs this weekend just to watch the Superbowl at Dot's sisters new home.

Toni was telling me how impressed he was with Tim today.  Tim is freaking amazing, I know I give him crap all of the time but he's always very organized and he gets sh*t done.

I didn't recognize the tile setter Billy without one of his tight short little shirts on. Toni would have been smitten over him back in the day but Toni found a new boy toy and the good news for Toni was the guy just broke up with his partner....

*not to be construed as Gossip

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