Wednesday, February 8, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Toni leaves for Tennessee tomorrow even though Bill rejected and shredded his time off request.

Apparently you don't ever let Putin try on your Superbowl ring because he won't give it back. The owner of the Patriots did that years ago and Putin claims it was a gift.

One of our suppliers didn't know Kellen's name but knew that he liked Sushi.

Roger apparently thinks that he's too good for us now that he has family with a home in Palm Springs because we sure didn't see him today. I'm pretty sure he was at home sipping on wine and eating caviar. He's going to have a real shock when Jimmy John's tells him they don't have Wagyu beef.

Bill's threatening to bring in Katherine on Friday. I am going to put that girl to work.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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