Wednesday, March 8, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Steve thinks that Roger's jokes are lame.

Toni is morally opposed to Steve getting a Kia hamster car.

Toni apparently told someone that I was on an Italian Cruise with my Greek lover.

Tim had to come back early from Arizona because he has a new grand daughter, Zoey.

The first part of our cruise I kept seeing Buster Bluth in everyone. First a socially awkward guy was traveling with his mother and then they ended up on one of our shore excursions. I kept expecting him to quote one of Buster's lines but I don't ever think I heard him speak. Then the ice skater in one of the shows with a receding hair line gave me the giggles when I told Ryan that he looked just like Buster.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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