Monday, February 20, 2017


The Daily Chatter*

Roger's going to love this because he loves taking pictures of his foot. The new trend on Instagram #Selfeet.

Bill is claiming that he's going to quit again. He needs to wait till at least next week.

I haven't received my wedding invitation from Kellen yet...What is the hold up?

David Cassidy claims he's battling dementia at 66 but it might just be an excuse to cover up his drunk ordeal while on stage the other night while slurring and forgetting words.

Whomever stole Mary's calculator from the island is going to have the wrath of Mary upon them because Office Depot doesn't make that large size anymore. 

Kellen was hitting on Matt's four year old daughter (for practice) and she replied that she knew she was pretty.

My sister is in Dubai this week, before she heads off to Italy and I think she's holding one of those 80 falcons from that plane ride that I said would have scared the crap out of Roger.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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