Wednesday, January 6, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

Toni may have parked a little close to the line this morning but Bill pulled in so that Toni couldn't get into his car.  Maybe Roxanne needs to give Bill some driving lessons. 

Tim finally knows what LMAO now he knows it's not pronounced Lamo.

If the kid that Bill just hired today doesn't work out it's all Tim's fault.

"It's only funny when I do it to you." Bill to Toni about Toni blocking him in after lunch

"You kind of look like the uni bomber at the moment." Roger to Toni

"Nikki's the only beard I need." Toni

Tim mentioned today that something reminded him of going to the gynecologist. He's obviously not the man I thought he was....

 *not to be construed as Gossip

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