The Daily Chatter*
I blame Roger for making me sick, I just do.
Alan Rickman (the bad guy on the first "Die Hard") just died of cancer and he was also the same age as David Bowie.
I will apologize in advance, I watched a bunch of "The Office" episodes while I was out sick and if any of you find your stapler or other belongings in a Jello mold, I'm sure it was me.
Roger told me the other day that he tells everyone that he doesn't drink but then he admitted that he does drink and it's all because of me.
Bill had some gossip for me this morning. He mentioned that Zach's girlfriend is pregnant.
Fox is planning to make a new "24" show and Kiefer Sutherland isn't going to be Jack Bauer, that's really messed up. That's more messed up than Steve breaking his little girls arm last night.
*not to be construed as Gossip
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