Thursday, January 28, 2016


The Daily Chatter*

I'm assuming that Roxanne is still ok and that she didn't choke on her snot last night. Or if something did happen, Bill hasn't said a word. (Ok he finally said she was still alive at 4pm today).

There's talks of a "Top Gun 2" but I can't imagine that Val Kilmer will be in it. Maybe Jerry Bruckheimer should take his spot, he looks pretty good for 73.

Speaking of Jerry Bruckheimer there is going to be a "Beverly Hill's Cop 4".

Why is it that Cody always has the craziest stories for us involving the back of our building. 

Roger is still avoiding me. I'm beginning to wonder if his meth habit finally disfigured his face and he's ashamed to be seen by me.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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