Wednesday, August 26, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

"I hate architects, they're the worst." Roger to Bill

"If I was Nikki I would be very concerned right now." Roger to Toni

Typhinee referred to all of the guys here as gentleman today, don't let it go to your heads....but Matt I don't think she meant you.

One of the trail websites mentioned a PNW indoor cat who loves to go hiking with its owners. I can't even imagine all of the scratches I would have if I did that with my sweet little demon hissing cat.

 I'm a little jealous right now, I heard that Roxanne gets gourmet meals for lunch everyday.

 Mary is feeling extra special today because she got a hug from her celebrity customer and apparently he's not a hugger.

Tim thought that Michael got a new office in our new server room as part of his rehire package.

Toni has a crazy scavenger hunt for his soon to be brother in law to do tonight. I think he was drunk last night when he came up with all of the things to do, it should be fun.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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