Tuesday, August 18, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

The President of Vern Fonk died. Will they have more annoying commercials now?

I'm the best wife ever, my husband fell asleep during an Imax movie when we were at The Pacific Science Center and I bought him the DVD just so that he could see the whole movie...He tried sleeping through it again, that ungrateful man.

I just realized that either Roger stole Creed's line from "The Office" or Creed stole Roger's line about already having won a lottery....

Can anyone guess which one Bill is? Hint, he's the pasty white guy.....but I'm not sure what his excuse is.

Roxanne has a business card for someone with the last name Fudickar. Some German must not have liked that family when they made up their name....

*not to be construed as Gossip

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