Thursday, August 13, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Michael thought it was depressing walking into Apex while Loopy Larry was outside trying to sleep on his Scionari.

According to Toni, Loopy Larry was out back and fell face first and the other neighbor picked him up.

There are some odd weather patterns going on...
Mary seems to think I need to lose weight, she even sent me a link to do something about it, what a  biatch.

Bill's sister asked their grandma if she wanted to see something gorgeous and she said she would have to get up and look in the mirror to do that...Now I know where Bill's ego comes from.

Here's what you can expect the White House to look like if The Donald wins.

Toni bought his ticket for Spain last night so as long as he gets his passport in time he'll get to go.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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