Friday, August 14, 2015


The Daily Chatter*

Now we can take bets as to how long Loopy Larry will leave the spare tire on his car.

Roger doesn't think he will be able to handle my secrets. He found out today that I drink Starbucks coffee and that blew his mind.

Bill says his a$$ was in the fire today.

For those of you who are "Beetlejuice" freaks they are finally making a sequel according to shoplifter Winona Ryder. 

Today there's boobs in our forecast. I'm sure it was all because of Roxanne's mammogram. 

"If we lose power I'm going home. If my computer restarts I'm going home." Toni (he changes his mind so quickly)

The good news is I can start making fun of Michael again on Monday when he restarts here.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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