Wednesday, October 30, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

Tim says he can't be Tigger for Halloween because Toni was for ten minutes. In Toni's defense Toni says he didn't have sex with it so he's not sure what the big deal is.

According to Tim, Michael took Roger's place. I'm going to disagree because Roger never hit on me.

"The best part is I proved my wife wrong." Bill about his eye vision

Poor Toni still thinks that it was his face that scared me the other day in the break room.

"Steve might have a good butt too." Bill   Bill thinks he has a nice butt because people say look at that a$$ when he leaves the room.

Toni says no to the dong bomb which is apparently one of the possibilities for Sunday's Ukrainian conspiracy theory bomb for downtown Seattle.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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