Wednesday, October 16, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

"I can't wait until we're not raising them anymore." Steve complaining about his daughter issues

Michael would like his own office because he's tired of seeing an office full of women in his. Most men would be honored by this privileged but does Michael want us to think that he's a Saint.

Bill was complaining about his first world problems and that his house smells like fresh paint. I told him that I was jealous because I need to paint ours.

Michael accused me of not doing something and I accused him of being a moron because I did.

Roxanne volunteered me to dog sit for someone that I don't even know, thanks Roxanne! I'm sure that my husband will personally thank-you too on Monday night.

Tim absolutely hates us, he came into work today sick as a dog.

"Don't let my wife know that I know how to do things." Bill

Poor Ashley was called out by Veronica for her resting bitch face today, Toni told her to go on a job walk that happened yesterday and Sarah is taking up Roger's tricks and calling Ashley out on being antisemitic and racist so the poor girl couldn't catch a break today.

*not to be construed as Gossip 

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