Tuesday, October 8, 2019


The Daily Chatter*

It's "Downton Abbey" movie night! I'm assuming that's why Jesus made us a fifteen course meal today for breakfast. I'm not sure why the newspaper wasn't ironed for me this morning though.

Michael's a little mad that Steve laid Travis off before he could get his chicken wing batter recipe.

It's only been a day and Toni is referring to Lou's caretakers at his daycare as very detailed characters.

I'm assuming that Bud is out today because he's mad at me for making him run out of his Bath and Body Works wallflower scents.

All thanks to Michael I woke up in the middle of the night and started thinking of  Employee questions to write down for his trivia night, needless to say I have forgotten most of them by now.

Bill wanted to put on the memo of his check reimbursement to Sarah "for a fun night" I told him it should be "a fun night with a whole bunch of chicks".

Tim wants to pull Bill and Ryan's man card for going to "Downton Abbey" tonight. Bill said that he's not taking sh*t from a man who wears a bunny suit. Speaking of which it's almost time for Tim to wear his onesie again.

*not to be construed as Gossip

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